Who are You?
Hi, I’m Daniel. A college student that enjoys building robots, programming, and electronics. I dream of space, yet that pesky gravity gets in my way. Many people have called me a mad scientist, I might be tempted to agree. I can sometimes be found at a local Denny’s at 2 AM with friends cooking up weird schemes. Like that time we designed a black hole reactor that is run by geese and could power the world using Jupiter’s mass. I like to cook my family’s homegrown recipes and I enjoy baking bread with the help of some yeast. I also enjoy a whole lotta other stuff, some of which can be found in the projects section.
My skills are varied but are mostly oriented toward SCIENCE! I can program in several languages such as Python and Java as well as all dialects of C. I have a fascination with designing and assembling little electronic devices, as such, I have some experience in that area. As a physicist in training, I am required to mention I can do data analytics. I was trained in the ways of Solidworks but now use Fusion 360, thanks to the free educational license. When the odd game jam happens I am an avid user of Godot, because games are the penultimate art form and Godot is just a really clean game engine.
What is this place?
This is a place for me to share and talk about projects that I am working on. I also offer my skills freelance as well as for hire. When we get around to doing it, we also will have neat things for sale made and designed by us or others.
Where is this place?
Depending on where you are you may be seeing this site on either the World Wide Web also known as the internet or on the Metaspacial Relay Network also known as the relay. Not sure which? Check Here.
What is this website for again?
This website is mainly a place where I can put projects I have been working on for others to see. On top of that, I can offer my services through this site, such as design and prototyping services. I also hope to start a community that is as interested in learning and design as I am.
And, as a slightly mad scientist, I will be using this site as a testing ground and research platform. I hope to be messing around with actual experiments but on the other hand, many of the experiments will be non-scientific.